Monthly Archives: May 2012

On to IVF


Hi all:

Well, on to IVF we go; found out IUI #2 wasn’t successful.  Boo!  Apparently you have to be on the bc pill before starting to stim for IVF.  So looks like I won’t have anything to post on here for a good while.  I have decided I am going to make the most of the next month or so though!  Bring on the sushi, martinis, Starbucks’ skinny vanilla lattes, water parks, theme parks, spa days and girls’ nights! And going to enjoy every moment of NOT having to use those progesterone inserts.  I, by far, hate them more than the shots!  Really!

Saw this quote from Joyce Meyer today: “There is no danger of developing eyestrain from looking on the bright side of things, so why not try it!”  Good one!!  (I’m guessing she posted this in light of the eclipse yesterday)

Thanks for reading and for all of the other TTC’ers I follow and follow me, baby dust to all.  Keep me posted; I’ll be reading!


3 cheers for progesterone!


Hi everyone:

Somehow I have made it half way through the 2 week wait 🙂  Cheers to that!  Also cheers for my progesterone test results today (cycle day 28, 7 days past ovulation).  The number needed to be greater than 5 to indicate I ovulated and mine was greater than 45!  I asked if it indicated how many eggs ovulated but they said no.  In comparison to last time, progesterone was 23.  If it ever came back indicating no ovulation I would have to be admitted, LOL.  So I am happy.

Also for those going through treatments now: From the IUI day (last Monday) until Saturday I experienced soreness in my lower abdomen.  It wasn’t painful, just really sore when I would move and urinate.  It felt like I had been kicked in the ovaries.  I called the doctor’s office on Thursday and they said it was common.  I had not experienced that last IUI.  They said it’s from all of those left over smaller follicles that didn’t ovulate, which I always have a bunch.  Those follicles are hanging around releasing hormones for the would-be baby.  Then they go away when the baby self-supports.  That’s how I understood it.

Thanks for reading,


IUI #2 – done!


Hi everyone:

Today is cycle day 21, and the IUI went off without a hitch this morning!  So now it’s time to wait the dreaded 2 week wait!  Ugh, this has to be the worst part.  I was telling Matt the leading up to ovulation goes by quickly because I’m getting checked every other day and progressing so I feel like I’m doing something and making headway.  Now, I guess I should just sit back and “relax.”  Right!  I do have to start my progesterone inserts on Wednesday – 1 in the AM, 1 in the PM.  So I guess that’s something to do.  And my next appointment is on Monday to check progesterone level.  Oh, I wanted to be sure to give a stunning estrogen report from Saturday.  When I posted on Saturday, I hadn’t found out my estrogen level yet.  Last Wednesday the estrogen level was 166; Saturday it was 712!!  712!! 712!!  For the girl who was poking around with so many estrogen issues, wow!!  Even Dr. Webster was surprised!  So I know all of our prayers were answered!  I am being hopeful for this cycle; if we were to become pregnant, the due date will be 1/28/13!  Thanks once again, everyone, for all of the encouragement and prayers!


TWO Good Chances!!!


Good morning everyone!

IUI #2 is Monday morning, yippee!!  Ultrasound this morning showed TWO big, mature follicles, 19.5 mm x 15mm.  So yes, possibility of twins!! Double trouble 🙂 I asked Dr. Webster what he thought about the likelihood and he said it’s there but not sure both would make it BUT having 2 gives me better odds that at least one will get fertilized and make it, so this is really good, encouraging news! In contrast to last IUI there was only 1 mature follicle at 19 mm.  He said having to triple the dosage of Menopur like we had to do is a strong dosage so that’s why I have 2 this time.  I am so grateful and thankful to have made it to this point, considering all of the scares and threats of cancellation I’ve had!

Please try to remember to pray for us Monday morning at 9. Please pray that everything goes well and perfect and that the result is a happy, healthy baby, well, guess maybe I should say babies 🙂

Thanks so much!


Another estrogen scare, but all is good!


Hello all:

This month with these estrogen issues is really wrecking my nerves.  I went in for another check this morning and Dr. Webster was saying if the estrogen only increased minutely like last check, we would have to cancel.  Last appointment, remember the estrogen had only increased by 3 (from 119 to 122).  He said that is a plateau and if it did that again today or even dropped like last week we would cancel the entire month.  For follicle sizes I have (1) 15 mm and many smaller ones.  So anyway, I see the nurse calling me with the results, while I was interviewing of course (needless to say, I had a hard time seeing “Webster” on my phone, knowing the results were in and paying attention to this poor candidate, “true HR confessions here!”  haha!)  Anyways, finally got to call her back and estrogen had increased to 166, so we are able to keep going.  Still tripling the dosage of Menopur for today, tomorrow and Friday.  Going back on Saturday to check again.  They are thinking that will be it; I will trigger that night and have IUI #2 on Monday morning.  Dr. Webster keeps saying, “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”  It really would be something if this was MY month after all these threats of cancellation!!  Whew…

I went to the Sarah’s Laughter connect group last night.  I really enjoyed it!  I was concerned it would be a pity party type of environment, but it was just the opposite.  It was just 2 leaders and 3 of us.  All 5 of us have either been or is currently going to Dr. Webster’s office, haha.  One girl had an appointment at 7:30 AM last Saturday, same as me– surprised we didn’t see each other!  2 of the ladies are going through infertility because of male factors; there are no issues with their bodies.  I have wondered this several times….how would I react if there were issues with Matt and not me?  I wonder if I would handle it as well as he’s handling it with me because I can say this: he’s been so awesome–very supportive and never once complained.  The leader of the group, Beth, has the same PCOS issues I have, plus she has severe endometriosis.  She finished her journey 12 years ago, with a daughter, after 7 IUIs and surgeries for the endo.  I am glad to have found the group and these ladies.

PS- I am, in fact, hiring that poor candidate from today 🙂

Thanks for reading,
