IVF is Cancelled


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give the latest on IVF #2.  Right here at the end we’re having to cancel the entire cycle.  It’s hard to believe; I had even done my pre-op stuff and thought I’d be ready for retrieval by today at the latest.  However on Wednesday, I had a very drastic drop in estrogen.  It was at 1,000 and cut in half to 500.  Then on Thursday, it dropped again to 300.  Even I knew it was panic time and that cancellation must be looming.  So my doctor drastically increased my dosage for Thursday night and even more for Friday.  Friday I did 4 bottles of Menopur and 300 units of Follistim, in hopes of saving the cycle.  On Friday, estrogen had to increase to at least 600 or else we would have to cancel then.  It had!  I made it to 849!  This was such a positive sign that things were turning around.  Dr. Lu was even shocked and said he didn’t even expect that.  He had only given me a 4 in 10 chance of it increasing enough on Friday so we were all pretty happy.  However, even with that milestone, it still had to increase today, Saturday, to 2,000 to be able to retrieve on Monday.  I went to the Metairie office this morning for the check and we saw so many large, ready-to-go follicles.  21mms, 20s, 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s and below beautiful follicles—18 good ones.  So that was a good sign.  As I’m talking to the nurse, Dr. Lu popped in!  I was so excited to see him.  He said he knew I’d be there this morning so he came and found me.  As we’re talking, he gave me a 5 in 10 chance of the estrogen increasing today to the 2,000 but was glad to see the follicles we had just seen.  Mid-way through the conversation while he’s looking at my chart again, he just stops talking.  At a complete loss for words.  Seriously, I think it lasted 30 minutes?  That’s an exaggeration but it felt like it.  He had just seen the ultrasound tech’s notes that there was 2.5 mm worth of fluid in my endometrium (the lining of the uterus).  And this means a definite cancellation for the cycle.  Apparently this is my endometrium starting to break down into pieces.  A baby would never be able to implant.  Again, he was at a complete loss of words.  He never considered this happening and wasn’t even looking for it right off, since the focus was on the estrogen level.  He could not apologize any more than he did; he felt so terrible.  Because I’ve been hanging out there so long this cycle (I stimmed for 12 days), the endometrium just couldn’t hold on any longer and deteriorated.  So in other words, I really had reached the point of no return.  The estrogen drops and then spike just couldn’t recover it.  So regardless of if my level came back at the 2,000 today, this was enough to cancel.  Nice.  So as always, I have to wait to start my period.  Again, my life revolves around “waiting to start a period” it feels like.  And then next week, it’s back to meet with Dr. Lu to talk about the next IVF.  He’s going to thoroughly study my file and try to determine what went so wrong and come up with answers for the next time.  So I’m ready to hear what he has to say.  Nevertheless, I leave, am driving through LaPlace, and it’s Dr. Lu calling, he himself.  Says the estrogen level came back at 1,600 so that would have caused a cancellation as well.  It does feel better having mulitple things go wrong, instead of just 1 stupid  thing.

Hoping that I’ll be able to start things again in early October.

Thanks for reading,


On to IVF #2


Hi all!

I’m so excited to be “back!”  Really, I am; I’m now feeling so much better about things.  As most of you know by now IVF #1 was unsuccessful.  I told a few people that I wasn’t surprised.  It may sound terrible of me to say but the 2 embryos that were transferred were not the best we could have had.  By day 5, they should have been at the blastocyst stage developmentally and about to start hatching out, ready to implant.  Ours’ on day 5 were morulas, meaning they were 1 day behind in growth.  The rest of the embryos didn’t make it so we had none left over to freeze.  The idea behind transferring the morulas in to me on day 5 was that they would do better in my body instead of in the lab.  If we had more than 2 morulas, then we could have waited to day 6, see if any of them became blasts and then we’d know which were the best to transfer.  But since there were only 2, that’s what happened.  Needless to say, I didn’t get my hopes up with them.  I did research that people do get pregnant and have babies who were transferred as morulas, but your chances of a successful pregnancy go way up if they’re blasts.  At least I wasn’t completely blind-sighted by the negative pregnancy tests; I think that would have been much worse had my hopes been really high.  So that’s the IVF #1 story.

Matt and I have decided to change doctors and clinics.  I have no bad feelings, complaints, or anything of the sort with Dr. Webster and his staff.  I’m by no means “bashing” them.  They were nothing but kind to me, very accomodating and it was all-around a good experience.  It was actually a really hard decision to make because of these things.  However there are several reasons why we feel changing doctors is best.  The new doctor comes highly recommended by my cousin Brooke (thanks, Brooke!); her 2 IVFs with him were both successful and now she has 3 beautiful kids.  In my infertility group there are several girls who have done the same thing- start with Webster and move to this clinic.  I also researched SART data (Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology) and discovered that the new clinic has much higher success rates than my old clinic.  For example, for my age group, new clinic’s percentage of cycles resulting in pregnancies is 56%; old clinic’s is 40.9%!!!  New clinic’s percentage of transfers resulting in live births is 55.9%; old clinic’s is 48.6%.  New clinic’s percentage of live births with twins is 48.8%; old clinic’s is 33%!!  Just these numbers right here are enough to make me switch, much less the recommendations!  The new clinic is The Fertility Institute and they’re located in Metairie (IVF will be done here), Mandeville (our appointment today was here) and Baton Rouge (all of my many monitoring appointments will be here– specifically at the Baton Rouge General on Bluebonnet)

So today was my consult with the new doctor, Dr. Peter Lu.  Matt and I both really liked him.  The consult picked up with the failed IVF.  Dr. Lu was very positive and encouraging with our situation.  He said to not have a pregnancy, morulas on day 5 and no embryos left to freeze it’s obvious my whole batch of eggs was bad.  Rotten eggs, so to speak.  Which of course begs the question, “are all of them bad??”  We will find out this next IVF cycle, but he was very positive this is not the case, especially because of my age.  To find out, he is doing things differently than last IVF—mostly changing some of my medicines.  By doing something different, if I end up with another batch of bad eggs, then we’ll know it’s my eggs and not a fluke that can be changed with different meds.  At that point he would treat me like a 40-45 year old woman, but is definitely not thinking this to be the case at all.  He fully expects me to make 10-15 eggs, have 2 BLASTS to transfer on day 5 AND have blasts left over to freeze for next time.  Not only are some of my meds changing (which is good) but also his lab is very different.  It will be a much better environment for the embryos to grow in, which is just what they may need considering.  He said their lab is “the best money can buy” and “just the filtration system cost 6 figures.”  For example, if some embryos are not the strongest or the best, if their environment is superb like this one, then that alone could help them jump that hurdle to make it.  So this is another strong plus too.  I am also over-the-moon because this clinic does not schedule IVFs in mass like my old clinic did.  With my old clinic they’d only start cycling IVF patients 1 time per month so everyone would be together. So if I started my period on the “wrong” day, then I’d have to be on birth control for up to 5 or so weeks to hold me over until their next IVF cycle began.  With this clinic, it is individualized; they work off of me for scheduling, YEAH!!  So the question was, “how soon can I start things up again?”  Today is cycle day 8, I started my period last Friday.  Traditionally for anything I’ve ever done, I’d have to wait to start a period and then we could start treatments, so I fully expected I’d have to wait until my next period came to start stimulating.  And we all know how easily and quickly I start a period (insert sarcastic eye roll).  To my shock, because my cycles last 60+ days, with today only being day 8, he said it’s like the beginning anyway, so I don’t have to wait!!  I can start things now!!!!  FINALLY an advantage to having crazy, wild periods; probably the only good thing that has ever come of it.  I was so excited; it really felt like a victory.  They did an ultrasound and blood work to confirm and I’m good-to-go.  After it’s all said and done, the IVF retrieval and transfer should be early to mid September.

So to close, I am much better than I was last week when we learned it had failed.  I wasn’t even sure how or if I’d do all of this over again.  I guess by the grace of God, I am really excited and encouraged to start again!

Thanks everyone for reading,


Moving Right Along


Hello everyone!

Feels like it’s been forever since I’ve actually had news to share!!  Today is cycle day 10 and a week since I started my injections.  I had my first check-up on July 4–estrogen was 238 and I had many developing follicles (15 or so).  On July 6, estrogen was 598 with larger follicles and today, estrogen is at 1,296 and follicles are many and large.  There are about 5 that are at 18 mm (the goal is 18-20 mm) and many smaller ones as well.  I am moving right along and responding perfectly and quickly to my meds!!  Yipee and thank you Jesus; this is an answer to prayer!  {To contrast this month’s IVF with last month’s IUI, I had the IUI on cycle day 21 with estrogen around 712.  As you can see, the process with IVF and my response to the meds has been so much quicker– considering today is only day 10!}

I am feeling very well.  I am pumped up on so many meds and my organs are working overtime and like they never have before.  It’s really eerie to have so much going on internally and to not feel anything at all, but hey, I am not complaining!  I read a lot about hyperstimulation (OHSS) and many bloggers suggested drinking a lot of Gatorade and water.  So I drink 2 Gatorades per day and my usual tons of water.  BTW, my nurse did confirm the Gatorade thing.  I like to think staying so hydrated and replinishing with electrolytes has helped me not to bloat, swell or feel bad at all.

As of today Dr. Webster is betting my egg retrieval will be this Thursday.  I will likely take my last injections tonight and tomorrow night and will trigger shot Tuesday night.  This will actually put me ahead of schedule with meds left over.  Cheers to that!

I don’t know what will happen.  There are plenty of unknowns.  But I do know this: God has been so good to us throughout all of this.  He=Good.  And that’s all I need to know.  I had a great day in church today.  There was one chorus we sang 3 different times; it was definitely for me:

He is more than able

He is more than able

We believe it

Only He is able

Only He is able

We believe it!!!

Prayers will be appreciated this week as always.  We need to pray for many eggs to be retrieved (average is 8-12), for the eggs to be healthy and to all fertilize, and for those embryos to grow, grow, grow.  And of course, ultimately, for 2 to STICK!!!

To leave you with some humor, this is the embryologist’s car parked in the lot (he needs to make me several—haha)

BabyMkr – haha

Thanks for reading,


IVF Consult Today


Hi everyone!

Today was our IVF consult with Dr. Webster.  I just wanted to share the jist of what we learned.  At least to me it’s pretty interesting stuff!

I’ve been in suspense all this time to get my number – my chance of success – 50% chance of having a live birth!!  That is different from just a pregnancy rate.  This is a 50% chance of delivering a baby in 9 months!!  A 50% chance is pretty much the highest possibility from what I was told.  If there are 2 viable embryos to transfer and there is a pregnancy, there is a 35% chance of a twin birth.

Speaking of embryos….lots to learn and consider here.  First, I was happy to find out that under Louisiana state law, the destruction of viable embryos is illegal.  All viable embryos must have a chance of life as they are deemed to be a “juridical person” with rights.  (It does not have protective rights if it fails to develop past 36 hours after retrieval; therefore, not being viable.)  If we were to have any viable ones left over to freeze, then we could either use them later to get pregnant again or donate them to another infertile couple for adoption.  No option to destroy in LA.  Now ponder this one—embryo has human rights, cannot destroy.  Once the embryo is transferred into mom and becomes a fetus, no more right to life/can be aborted.  Then when born, is a human again!  Pretty silly, huh?  I digress.

So about the frozen embryos—the clinic will only house them for 6 months.  Obviously if I do get pregnant I won’t be able to use them in 6 months.  We will have them shipped to a storage bank (likely in Austin, TX).  Shipping cost $500 and the storage fee per year is $300.  Then once we want them back for later use, they can ship it back to us in Baton Rouge (or wherever we are at the time).  Now when the embryos are in TX, TX does not have the same laws as LA so the embryos could be destroyed once they’re “living” over there.  Ugh…  We received 21 pages of consent forms today.  Part of which is designating now what would happen to the embryos if either one of us or both were to die while they’re frozen or if we should divorce.  Decisions to make include if I die, what Matt could do with the embryos (could his new wife use them??) or vice versa.  Or putting them up for adoption if we both die.  Or you could set a will and will the embryos to my parents; they could get a surrogate and have the babies, etc…  Such pleasant thoughts…

We found out today the eggs will be fertilized by a process known as ICSI (pronounced ICK-SEE) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.  This is when they inject 1 lone sperm into each egg I produce.  This is supposed to increase the chance of fertilization.  I did find out he thinks I will make the average of 8-12 eggs for retrieval.  Each day they will call me with a report of how many fertilized and of those fertilized how many are growing well and becoming viable enough to transfer.  It’s amazing to think only 3 days after egg retrieval fertilization has already occurred and the cells are growing, forming, and dividing rapidly.  Sometimes as quickly as on day 3, they are transferred back in and sometimes it’s on day 5 or 6.  It all depends on development.  Only 3 DAYS old–how incredibly fast life grows!  Really puts into perspective abortions done at WEEKS old!

So I went through my 21 pages of consent forms.  It’s a lot.  It’s really too much to have to consider.  I hate hearing all of the risks.  The good news, the short version, is that birth defects aren’t substantially higher than natural pregnancies.  C-section and premature delivery are higher risks as well, especially with multiples.  As for risks for me there aren’t many.  The only one to watch out for is OHSS or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.  If left untreated or not properly treated, could lead to death.  This is the only thing during the whole process that could cause death, and it’s very rare.  During stimming and after retrieval, I will have to weigh myself each morning.  If I gain 3-4 pounds in 1 day, then it’s a sign of OHSS.  There is no option to travel either, as you have to be near your doctor for this risk.  Like I said though, it’s very rare, just something to watch for.

I have already gotten my meds in.  Here’s everything I will have to use.  I made fun little pyramids out of all the boxes because I was pretty overwhelmed at everything I’d have to use/learn how to use.

IVF Meds

Thanks for reading; keep the prayers coming,


On to IVF


Hi all:

Well, on to IVF we go; found out IUI #2 wasn’t successful.  Boo!  Apparently you have to be on the bc pill before starting to stim for IVF.  So looks like I won’t have anything to post on here for a good while.  I have decided I am going to make the most of the next month or so though!  Bring on the sushi, martinis, Starbucks’ skinny vanilla lattes, water parks, theme parks, spa days and girls’ nights! And going to enjoy every moment of NOT having to use those progesterone inserts.  I, by far, hate them more than the shots!  Really!

Saw this quote from Joyce Meyer today: “There is no danger of developing eyestrain from looking on the bright side of things, so why not try it!”  Good one!!  (I’m guessing she posted this in light of the eclipse yesterday)

Thanks for reading and for all of the other TTC’ers I follow and follow me, baby dust to all.  Keep me posted; I’ll be reading!


3 cheers for progesterone!


Hi everyone:

Somehow I have made it half way through the 2 week wait 🙂  Cheers to that!  Also cheers for my progesterone test results today (cycle day 28, 7 days past ovulation).  The number needed to be greater than 5 to indicate I ovulated and mine was greater than 45!  I asked if it indicated how many eggs ovulated but they said no.  In comparison to last time, progesterone was 23.  If it ever came back indicating no ovulation I would have to be admitted, LOL.  So I am happy.

Also for those going through treatments now: From the IUI day (last Monday) until Saturday I experienced soreness in my lower abdomen.  It wasn’t painful, just really sore when I would move and urinate.  It felt like I had been kicked in the ovaries.  I called the doctor’s office on Thursday and they said it was common.  I had not experienced that last IUI.  They said it’s from all of those left over smaller follicles that didn’t ovulate, which I always have a bunch.  Those follicles are hanging around releasing hormones for the would-be baby.  Then they go away when the baby self-supports.  That’s how I understood it.

Thanks for reading,


IUI #2 – done!


Hi everyone:

Today is cycle day 21, and the IUI went off without a hitch this morning!  So now it’s time to wait the dreaded 2 week wait!  Ugh, this has to be the worst part.  I was telling Matt the leading up to ovulation goes by quickly because I’m getting checked every other day and progressing so I feel like I’m doing something and making headway.  Now, I guess I should just sit back and “relax.”  Right!  I do have to start my progesterone inserts on Wednesday – 1 in the AM, 1 in the PM.  So I guess that’s something to do.  And my next appointment is on Monday to check progesterone level.  Oh, I wanted to be sure to give a stunning estrogen report from Saturday.  When I posted on Saturday, I hadn’t found out my estrogen level yet.  Last Wednesday the estrogen level was 166; Saturday it was 712!!  712!! 712!!  For the girl who was poking around with so many estrogen issues, wow!!  Even Dr. Webster was surprised!  So I know all of our prayers were answered!  I am being hopeful for this cycle; if we were to become pregnant, the due date will be 1/28/13!  Thanks once again, everyone, for all of the encouragement and prayers!


TWO Good Chances!!!


Good morning everyone!

IUI #2 is Monday morning, yippee!!  Ultrasound this morning showed TWO big, mature follicles, 19.5 mm x 15mm.  So yes, possibility of twins!! Double trouble 🙂 I asked Dr. Webster what he thought about the likelihood and he said it’s there but not sure both would make it BUT having 2 gives me better odds that at least one will get fertilized and make it, so this is really good, encouraging news! In contrast to last IUI there was only 1 mature follicle at 19 mm.  He said having to triple the dosage of Menopur like we had to do is a strong dosage so that’s why I have 2 this time.  I am so grateful and thankful to have made it to this point, considering all of the scares and threats of cancellation I’ve had!

Please try to remember to pray for us Monday morning at 9. Please pray that everything goes well and perfect and that the result is a happy, healthy baby, well, guess maybe I should say babies 🙂

Thanks so much!


Another estrogen scare, but all is good!


Hello all:

This month with these estrogen issues is really wrecking my nerves.  I went in for another check this morning and Dr. Webster was saying if the estrogen only increased minutely like last check, we would have to cancel.  Last appointment, remember the estrogen had only increased by 3 (from 119 to 122).  He said that is a plateau and if it did that again today or even dropped like last week we would cancel the entire month.  For follicle sizes I have (1) 15 mm and many smaller ones.  So anyway, I see the nurse calling me with the results, while I was interviewing of course (needless to say, I had a hard time seeing “Webster” on my phone, knowing the results were in and paying attention to this poor candidate, “true HR confessions here!”  haha!)  Anyways, finally got to call her back and estrogen had increased to 166, so we are able to keep going.  Still tripling the dosage of Menopur for today, tomorrow and Friday.  Going back on Saturday to check again.  They are thinking that will be it; I will trigger that night and have IUI #2 on Monday morning.  Dr. Webster keeps saying, “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”  It really would be something if this was MY month after all these threats of cancellation!!  Whew…

I went to the Sarah’s Laughter connect group last night.  I really enjoyed it!  I was concerned it would be a pity party type of environment, but it was just the opposite.  It was just 2 leaders and 3 of us.  All 5 of us have either been or is currently going to Dr. Webster’s office, haha.  One girl had an appointment at 7:30 AM last Saturday, same as me– surprised we didn’t see each other!  2 of the ladies are going through infertility because of male factors; there are no issues with their bodies.  I have wondered this several times….how would I react if there were issues with Matt and not me?  I wonder if I would handle it as well as he’s handling it with me because I can say this: he’s been so awesome–very supportive and never once complained.  The leader of the group, Beth, has the same PCOS issues I have, plus she has severe endometriosis.  She finished her journey 12 years ago, with a daughter, after 7 IUIs and surgeries for the endo.  I am glad to have found the group and these ladies.

PS- I am, in fact, hiring that poor candidate from today 🙂

Thanks for reading,


Come on, estrogen!


Greetings all:

So I’m having a bit of an issue with my estrogen levels right now.  On my last post I said the estrogen level had dropped significantly, which wasn’t good.  After that, I went to my next appointment, which was on Saturday morning, CD 12.  The ultrasound showed the follicles really hadn’t grown significantly over the 2 days; I had (3) 11 mms and many smaller ones.  Dr. Webster said if the estrogen level dropped again, we would have to cancel this entire month.  Oh. my. Lord.  Anyway, not to keep you in suspense like I was on Saturday, estrogen had actually jumped from 68 to 119, which was good!  We are able to continue this month.  Thank God!  I would’ve been so discouraged to cancel 2 months in a row, especially mid-cycle like this.  But thank God, all was well.  {BTW, he and his staff are awesome; they called me personally as soon as they got the estrogen results because they knew I was on pins and needles.  Usually they leave my results on the phone tree; I dial a number, input my pin and get a recording of my results–which is so convenient, except for when it’s big news like that!!}

Today, CD 14, I went back for another check.  I have (3) 13 mm follicles and many smaller ones.  Dr. Webster keeps saying we don’t need too many follicles or else we’ll have to cancel the month; it’s really a delicate balance.  Estrogen came back at 122, only 3 points up from Saturday, which isn’t the greatest.  So he is increasing the Menopur dosage from double to triple per day.  I go back Wednesday for the next check.  Last IUI cycle, I never exceeded a double dosage so this is different.

In other news, there is a Christian infertility support group called Sarah’s Laughter several people have told me about.  (www.sarahs-laughter.com).  I was watching our church service online this past Sunday and the message was about joining connect groups.  Matt and I are already in a married couples group but I asked in the chat if there was a connect group for infertility.  They directed me to Sarah’s Laughter.  I went to the website and lo and behold, the Baton Rouge chapter is out of my church (Healing Place Church)!!  Wow!  For some reason it just never clicked.  Anyways, I contacted the group leader, Beth, and the next meeting is  tomorrow night at 7!  Yay!  So I’m going to go.  And wouldn’t you know it, her house is 5 minutes away from mine and she is the founder of Sarah’s Laughter and has even written several books! How about that!

Thanks for reading,
